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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Bleeding after Menopause-When do I need to go to my doctor?

First off, ask yourself if you have gone without a period for more than one year?

Here is something to keep in mind if you are experiencing a little spotting that may require you to wear a panty shield, it is not normal after menopause. Since it is not then you must make an appointment to see your doctor right away. There are many common causes for bleeding after menopause. Here are a few common ones:
  1. Polyps
  2. Endometrial atrophy (thinning of the endometrium)
  3. Endometrial hyperplasia
  4. Endometrial cancer ( uterine cancer)
  5. D & C (dilation and curettage)

There are many others. Please refer to for more detailed information.

You can experience bleeding off and on during menopause (perimenopause) which is normal. but bleeding afterwards is not. You should not ignore it even if it is light. The importance of telling your doctor is key. There is always that chance that the cause of the bleeding is something minor. But then there is also that chance that cancer may have a part in it.

Watch this video that will explain in great detail of bleeding after menopause and knowing the reason why and when need to see your doctor.

The importance of seeing a doctor.
Thank you for reading and visiting. I hope that this information has been helpful. I encourage you to leave your comments, questions and suggestions below this post. Your expressions are always welcomed.

Health Quote for Today
Health is not valued till sickness comes.
Dr. Thomas Fuller,

My finale words: Don’t waste another minute go see your doctor.

“I m a Vita Woman”

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