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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Menopause and Hot Flashes-Ways to fix my marriage


First off , it is very important for the both of you to understand that menopause is just a normal change of life for women when she is at the end of her reproductive years. It isn’t a life threating condition of any type, it is not a disability or is it a label that needs to stay with a woman for the rest of her life.

The failure and frustration that comes with menopause and hot flashes can decrease with the support of your spouse. His input of your condition can  make you knowledgeable of products and supplements that will help you in taking the action to help you decrease your symptoms. Also he can assist you with making an appointment with your doctor and to do a follow-up on a checklist of different goals that you want to achieve with successful results to gaining the control with menopause and hot flashes.

Your communication to your spouse is important. With a line of communicating with your spouse he can better understand what menopause is. You will then need to fill in more in depth details that you are experiencing in terms of what you are going through with your body changes. It is all on you to inform and teach your spouse about the specifics. He may not understand why you don’t want him to “touch” you or why you  suddenly burst out into tears. This is why you have to let him in on what is really going on.
Nevertheless, the confusion adds a tremendous amount of stress, frustration and failure to having the right line of communication open to be received.
It is always recommended to speak with a medical expert to further discuss the level of severity of your menopause and hot flashes for your condition. Keep in mind that proper nutrition and the correct supplement will lessen your symptoms.
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My Final Words:
"An open ear is the only believable sign of an open heart." —David Augsburger

*If you have found this information helpful please leave your comments, questions and suggestions below this post.

Wishing you a happy marriage filled with joy and peace.

Ann Moses
I’m a Vita Woman

1 comment:

  1. Thank you David Augsburger for writing such a great piece of information. I like your lines the most which state that you should communicate your problems and feelings to your partner. In this the pleasures can be shared and and grief can be reduced.
