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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Menopause and Yeast Infections-Good tips to know

The way that medical professionals term yeast infections is called vaginitis. The symptoms are most uncomfortable. They are itching, burning,painful urination, and what is really uncomfortable is painful intercourse.This is one of the most common vaginal infections for woman-hat-smile[1]women to have.
When you are going through the stages of menopause the experience of vaginal dryness raises the bar for getting an yeast infection.

Having a yeast infection with menopause or without can be very debilitating but especially when you are trying to cope with all of the other symptoms of menopause.

Simple tips with yeast infection with menopause.

  • Wear cotton underwear (no thongs, silk, or other)
  • Use proper hygiene after the use of the restroom
  • Take cool baths
  • Use a prescribed cream
  • Use a douching method (preferably water, nothing with any chemicals or fragrance.)
  • Eat yogurt
  • Lessen your sugar intake
Here is a home remedy tip that  can be helpful if you are trying to deal with your yeast infection the natural way and with low expense. When using a douching method buy a quart of buttermilk from you local supermarket, fill your douche bag with buttermilk and complete your douche as normal. Also when you just need to do a douche without a yeast infection use plain water oppose to buying any of the over the counter products. Keep in mind that water is a neutralizer in itself.

There is much more information in great detail here.

These tips and the added information from the source will give you a complete guide as to how to cope with not only your menopause but your yeast infection as well.
Thank you for reading and visiting. I would love to read your comments, questions or suggestions below this post.

“Be Comfortable”
Ann Moses

Disclaimer: The purpose of the information, benefits and solutions is for informational purposes ONLY. I am not a medical professional to advise you on treatments or cures of any type. The views are based on personal experience and product use. Every woman and man will have different and unique experiences. It is always recommended that you consult your medical health care provider for the best solutions for your needs.
Data Source:

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